Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] Empty No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Sat May 22, 2021 5:49 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] PN5IfA7


To say that Rukia was more than a little bit disappointed with how her last assignment had gone would be something of an oversimplification of the matter. She wasn't exactly disappointed, professionally speaking everything had gone just fine. The problem was that she'd made something of a promise that the nature of duty had left her unable to fulfill. It turned out there was still a lot more patrolling to do, especially with the situations down on Earth, and the Captain hadn't been able to give them any extra leave. She understood that, but still.

Well, better late than never. She had today off, and she'd checked to see that Shiro had too. She was dressed casual, ready to go, though she realized that she hadn't told him they were going today. Going where, you might ask?

Down to Earth, of course. They were off today, and it wasn't as if they were barred from Earth. Rukia was going to give him a decent proper visit to Earth, even if it killed her. Er...maybe not that serious. But, still. She'd promised.

"Hey, Shiro, you awake in there?"

Knocking on her subordinate's door, Rukia wondered if that was maybe too plain of a greeting. Was it? Nah.


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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Sat May 22, 2021 6:40 pm
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Earth was a miss. It wasn’t Teach’s fault, but she didn’t cut him any slack at all. It was all work and no play. Don’t get Shiro wrong. He wasn’t planning on slacking off while on duty, but he was really hoping that he’d get the chance to walk around while off duty. Well, at least it was satisfying in the end. As he showered, he had to admit that he actually has a reason for cleaning himself. There’s public decency, but there’s also that feeling of washing off the sweat from a hard day’s work. The mission was a bit ago, but ever since then, he’s noticed he’s been a bit more motivated.

His shower was almost over when he heard a knock on his door. Who could that be? How many people even know where he lives? One of his bros? Maybe a secret stalker? Staff of the Academy? He better go check it out. He almost felt the need to grab a weapon, but it’s probably nothing like that. Though, it would be when he doesn’t grab a weapon that it’s actually something like that. Anyway, he’d open the door, poking his head out since the rest of his body is bare and a little damp still. He has a towel on, sheesh. However, he’s confused because he doesn’t see anyone. And then, he sees someone, a short someone.

“Oh, Teach. Hey. What are y-” Ah, he’s still semi-naked. It’s pretty rare to catch Shiro with his hair not as fluffy or untidy. With it wet, it’s sticking to his head and a bit spiky like one of those protagonist in shounen. Wait. How did he not hear her say anything? Guess the shower muffled anything said a bit. Water in the ears work that way. Well, anyway, he’d slowly shut the door on her.

“Well, let me put on some clothes and let's try that again, shall we?”

She’s dressed casually. Rukia being here probably isn’t related to anything to do with the Gotei or the Academy. He should match her. It’s probably indecent to talk with your teacher without a shirt on. She probably saw all his scars. He doesn’t like showing off his scars unless he’s drunk. At least then, he can’t remember doing it or remember whatever anyone said about them. Given a minute or two, he returned to the door and opened it, revealing that he has pants on with a black T-shirt.

“Alright. Yo, again, Teach. Need something?” Just for cool guy points, he leaned against his door frame. Perfect recovery.


God of Love
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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Sun May 23, 2021 1:33 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] PN5IfA7


Was he-- He was. He'd really opened the door without anything on, right out of the shower. Honestly, it wasn't the worst thing in the world. It wasn't as though Rukia had never seen a guy just out of the shower or anything, but still, she almost had to admire the sheer confidence to greet your teacher that way.

"Good way to start the day. You plan that one out, or was that just the natural instinct?"

He was leaning against the door now. What a dork. There was almost something innocently charming about it, the same way you'd smile at a child proudly digging up nothing. Oh well.

"I told you I'd show you around Earth, and I'm free today. Glad to see you're actually dressed, I'm not so sure I'd want to drag you around in your towel."


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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Sun May 23, 2021 5:00 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

“Tch. My friends do joke about my tendency to accidentally woo women, mostly when I’m drunk though.”

Normally, he’d never admit something like that to her because of a multitude of reasons, but none of those reasons actually matter right now. All it took was for Rukia to mention she’s free for the day for him to lose a bit of his tact. Of course, he’s not planning on taking off his shirt and showing what he meant by accidentally wooing, but there’s probably no need to be as serious as when they’re in the classroom or on duty. Though, he is curious as to if he should call her by her name or not. If they’re heading to Earth, would it be weird to refer to her as Teach or Miss Kuchiki? People might look at them strangely: a teacher and her student out shopping, drinking, and whatnot? Now, that’s an easy way to relay the wrong message.

“Well, erm… Let me go get some shoes and an actual shirt then.”

A pleasant surprise, actually. He did not expect her to drop by and invite him out. Must have been fate that he was thinking about this at the same time she decided to come over. Ah! He should brush his teeth too! And comb his hair! The confusion on his face is wiped off as he smiled and disappeared back into his house, appearing sometime later with a better head on. He simply put on a blue, short-sleeved, button-up shirt with his overall appearance tidier than before. Alright! Now he’s ready to head down to Earth. Hope Rukia didn’t mind the wait.

“To be honest, I think the gals on Earth wouldn’t have minded me with just a towel on, by the way. Would have made all the guys jealous.” He added as a comeback as he locked his door and placed his hands in his pockets, a cocky grin plastered on his face.


God of Love
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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Sun May 23, 2021 5:53 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] PN5IfA7


"Well, I should count myself lucky I only caught you naked, and not drunk."

That came out wrong. Sighing in exasperation, at both him and at herself, Rukia turned around and headed off, not particularly willing to look at him after that whole back and forth now. He was lucky she'd mellowed out over the years, that urge to kick him had really welled up for a second or two.

"I'm not worried about what the 'gals on Earth' would have minded. Now pick up the pace, before I change my mind on this whole trip."

Rolling her eyes, she simply continued on toward the Senkaimon, not looking back at him or his cocky grin. Her stride quickened a bit, but she knew that wouldn't actually matter at her height. How annoying.


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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Sun May 23, 2021 6:04 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Wha- Huh? Yeah? Did that come out right? Is that how she wants this to go?

He couldn’t help but scoff and look absolutely appalled by her words. Offended and broken, he could have almost unlocked his house, walk back inside, shut the door, and lock it again. But, hey. She said she was lucky. That’s a point. What a horrible person he is sometimes. His friends are a horrible influence on his psyche. Though, leaving that behind at the door, he got to stepping. Rukia’s short, so it took him about six long strides to catch up with her. Her legs are moving fast. Should he be looking at her legs from behind? Probably not. Head up, Shiro. Well, not like it’s hard to just look over her.

“Come on now. I apologize. Just for today, you have my full attention. I won’t let another gal or guy pull us apart.”

That’s probably not how you apologize, but that shit eating grin is back. As if he’s going to let up on their day off. This already beats lying around in bed by a mile. Without the pretense of work or school between them, Shiro feels like he can be as rowdy as he wants. He probably shouldn’t push too hard still. He does have to see her again tomorrow in class and all that. To Hell with that, to be honest. Walking a bit faster than her, which wasn’t that hard, he turned around and started walking backwards just to make sure she could see his little grin. What’s the point of being a chad if you don’t put on a show?


God of Love
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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Sun May 23, 2021 8:20 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] PN5IfA7


"Oh, your undivided attention? That's pretty impressive. Can I save that for tomorrow and use it in class instead?"

Despite her annoyance with the situation, and even moreso with his smarmy grin, she was still someone who played well off any situation. Rukia simply looked up at him as they walked with a faintly unamused expression, though really, it was a lot less disappointed-looking than one might have assumed it would be in these circumstances.

"You're lucky I owe you this one, otherwise I might tell you to go find some 'lucky gal' who'd be more excited to have seen you fresh out of the shower. Besides, imagine what might happen if it got out you showed a teacher your naked body withouy her consent. And a noblewoman, at that."

Despite the theoretical looming weight of those words, Rukia didn't treat them particularly seriously. If she had an issue with the situation, she'd have just handled it herself. The small smug grin on her face gave away how she actually felt about all this.


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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Sun May 23, 2021 8:44 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Ow. She just murdered him. They won’t even be able to identify the body after that. Shiro’s smugness faded almost instantly. Not only did she call out his lax personality, but she also pulled the teacher and noble card on him. That’s right. She is his teacher, and she is a noble. What is he doing joking around with her like this? For a second there, he was thinking of her like a woman he’d like to hang out with more. It’s strange to have reality smack into you like this all of a sudden. All of their other interactions were fun and not as strict as he had thought they’d be. Now, it suddenly seems like that line between authority and friendship had been hardened.

“Yeah… You’re right. Sorry..., Teach.”

Even if she’s joking, he couldn’t help but let his good mood falter, his steps falling back in line with hers as he started walking correctly. With his hands in his pockets, he licked his lips and went eerily silent. A good look at his face, and one can see that he’s lost in thought, his eyes focused straight ahead, a blank expression on his face. Awkward: that’s the only way to describe how he’s feeling right now, but he doesn’t want this to happen again, this strangeness that always happens between the two of them whenever their positions are brought up. He should try to salvage the situation before it gets worse. They have the whole day together after all. It won’t be fun like this.

“What’s planned for today anyway? Shopping? A movie? I hear movies are fun on Earth.”


God of Love
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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Sun May 23, 2021 9:06 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] PN5IfA7


Looked like he'd taken that a little more seriously than she'd meant for him to. Well, that was probably her fault, huh? It might not have been good to mention the whole possibility of him getting into trouble over something minor like that, especially not with his situation. At least he was taking the whole thing in strive.

"I told you I'd buy you a proper wardrobe, didn't I? I'm not planning to lie about that any more than I am about this whole trip."

Of course, there was plenty of other stuff to do down on Earth, and Rukia had every intention of showing him a decent bit. But it was better if she kept at least some of it a surprise. Laying it all out at once would take away from the fun of it.

"Movies are okay. I don't think they're much more fun than up here, but if you want to see one, we can find out what's out right now."


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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Sun May 23, 2021 9:38 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

“Proper? You’re not going to make me carry everything, are you?”

Well, he’s not expecting her to carry it all, even if she is technically stronger than him. But, if he has to carry around a whole wardrobe all day, then he’d rather they save that for last. He feels a bit better. The initial shock of being labeled a sexual harasser has dimmed a bit, yet, he’s still not sure how to act around her now. Mmm… How frustrating.

“Well, we can skip the movies, I guess. We can just catch one when we get back here and have another day off together.”

Ah. He did it again, literally just told himself not to. Well, there’s no going back on that one. What? Is he supposed to say he’s just kidding about asking to have another day with her after this one? They haven’t even started this day yet, and he’s trying to drag her around more. It’s obvious to tell that he’s annoyed with himself as he rubbed the back of his head with a deflated sigh. She’s your teacher, Shiro. You can’t keep doing this. Literally just told himself to treat her with more respect to her title than just a woman he likes. God. Why did drunk him have more control with Eri than sober him with Miss Kuchiki?


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