Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Sun May 23, 2021 8:32 pm
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 PN5IfA7


"What, you're going to make the girl carry your clothes? Not much of a gentleman, are you? But I'm sure that's what all those 'lucky gals' find so charming, isn't it?"

They were off today, so of course Rukia was more relaxed than normal. They weren't in the Academy, and they weren't in the 7th Division. For now, they were just hanging out. She could afford to let her hair down a bit.

"Oh yeah? Sure, but you're paying next time."

Chuckling to herself as she led him through the Senkaimon, Rukia stepped out into the streets of Karakura with a bit of a nostalgic smile. She hadn't come by here in a long while now, had she? Maybe she should have, even if it did dredge up a little bit of sadness.

"So, any exciting Earth pastimes you're interested in learning about, or should I just jump right to taking charge?"


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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Sun May 23, 2021 11:27 pm
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

He’s overthinking things. Yeah. That’s it. He’s letting all these thoughts get in the way right now. So what if she’s this or that? It’s not something he should be letting get in the way of how he treats her at the end. He’s not a bad guy, nor is a that irresponsible. It was all a joke anyway. It had to have been. There’s no way Miss Kuchiki, of all people, would turn him into the authorities for something as silly as opening the door to his own home, naked. Come on Shiro. Get yourself together. Why is he so flustered or conscious of his own actions?

“You can take charge. As fun as it’d be to run around and do whatever I want, I don’t want to waste today. It is one of the few times we’ll be out like this. I trust you to keep everything running smoothly.”

He really did just invite her out again. It’s not a date, of course, yeah? Well, he wouldn’t mind. Wait. No, Shiro. She’s like at least 500 years older than you and your teacher. There are probably rules about this, aren’t there? Damn. He’s going to have to find that rule book again. Actually, he wonders what he’ll tell his pals if they were to catch him with Miss Kuchiki. ‘Ah. We’re just hanging out for the day guys, going shopping and probably getting something to eat. And then, we’re going to be catching a movie another day.’ Yeah. Totally not suspicious at all.

“Aye, yo, uh… Do I call you Teach, Miss Kuchiki, or…”

Well, he’s not going to say her name without the green light, but he has been hesitating on referring to her by a name because he’s not sure what’s appropriate right now. Might as well clear it up, so it’ll be easier to communicate.


God of Love
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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Mon May 24, 2021 12:14 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 PN5IfA7


"Works for me."

Off she walked, not seeming too bothered by all the hustle and bustle of the city. It sure had gotten a lot louder around here, huh? It was hard to believe this was the same place she'd spent so much time centuries ago. Of course, Shiro's question shook her out of her nostalgia just a bit, considering it was a question that probably did need some answering. What was he supposed to call her? Well, they'd already established this wasn't school or work, so...

"Rukia's fine, if you're comfortable with it. Miss Kuchiki works too. Just don't go calling me that during class, or I'll throw another book at you."

Maybe it was for the best Rukia wasn't one to pick up on the kinds of things running through Shiro's head at the moment. On her end, this was just a pleasant day out with a fellow member of the division, a student she'd gotten to know decently well. Nothing abnormal about that, right?

"You ever been to an arcade?"


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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Mon May 24, 2021 12:38 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

It isn’t that bad, considering everything, but he’s in school. You know how school is. He is an adult, but his adult friends are children at times. The possibility that he’d be bothered about something like this is annoying. Just imagine the talk if someone overheard Shiro referring to Miss Kuchiki as Rukia. Well, actually, the idea is somewhat humorous. Still a bit damning though. Ah, but that doesn’t have anything to do with right now. It’s all just hypothetical. Thinking about that doesn’t change the fact that he’s referring to her by her first name, which, by itself, is a bit nerve wracking. Maybe he should just stick to Miss Kuchiki, but that feels like a cop out.

“An arcade? No. Never had the time, but you don’t seem the gamer type…, Rukia.”

He’s a bit surprised that she’s suggesting an arcade. She doesn’t seem the video game type to him. Well, before they had gotten to know each other, he probably wouldn’t have thought her capable of having a fun time. And, yet, all they do around each other is joke and make dumb bets about stuff. Oh. He’s definitely going to gamble if they’re about to be playing some arcade games. The idea of betting on something that he knows he has no chance of winning is enough to put a silly little smirk on his face.

“Don’t mean to brag, but I have absolutely no experience. You're done for.”


God of Love
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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Mon May 24, 2021 1:05 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 PN5IfA7


"I probably don't seem like I should be teaching high level courses at Shino Academy, either, but looks are deceiving, you know."

Rukia wasn't actually much of one to play video games. She didn't mind them, some of them were fun, but most of her reason for ever going to an arcade was for the UFO machines. Everything else was just icing on the cake.

"You seem pretty confident in that one, Shiro, not that I'd expect anything else out of you. I'd have said we can just take things easy, but since you're so sure I'm done for, we can play a few head to head games. What do you want to lose in? Racing games? Rhythm? Fighting games?"

She wasn't particularly great at any of them, but she knew what she was doing more than he did, at the very least. She wouldn't have even challenged him to something like this normally, considering the situation, but hey, he'd started it. As they entered the first arcade she saw, of course, her eyes still stayed on the UFO machine for a bit longer than she'd meant to. That was a cute bunny in there...


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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Mon May 24, 2021 1:24 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

“You’re fine, Rukia. I mean, like, as a teacher.”

Mmm… She’s not off the mark though… Guess, when one thinks Academy teacher, Rukia probably wouldn’t be the immediate thought. However, he’s sure that a lot of people think that teachers are supposed to look a specific way, and that way is something not safe for work. He knows his pals think of some teachers in unsightly ways. Ah… Wait… He wonders if Rukia has any… Nevermind! Force the thoughts elsewhere. Force them elsewhere. Think about arcade games. Yeah. Arcade games. Yep.

“Racing games. I’m already going to school to learn how to fight and all that crap, I’d rather play something that isn’t related.”

Sheesh. What is going on with his head? He has to take a little time to reset his mental. At least the arcade proved a bit rowdy. It helps clutter the mind with useless junk, rather than specific junk. However, he couldn’t help but catch Rukia staring off into the distance. What’s she so interested in? Is that a claw machine? There something special about it? Maybe she wants something inside it. What’s in there besides a bunch of stuff animals and little knickknacks? Hmm…

“Hey, Rukia. Fyi, I’m like a lion. I might seem too young, but I’m a fierce fighter. Actually, I kind of like lions, mainly because they have fluffy manes like my hair. You got an animal you like?”

He’s talking out of his ass. This is all just to try and get her to slip up a bit. She’s staring at a claw machine full of stuffed animals. She has to be interested in one of them. Maybe he can get some useful information by gloating a bit.


God of Love
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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Mon May 24, 2021 2:13 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 PN5IfA7


"Huh? Oh. Yeah, I like bunnies. They're cute."

She'd meant to say rabbits. She didn't really mind telling anyone about the animals she liked, but calling them that probably didn't do a lot for her image. Well...rats. Whatever, Rukia could play things cool. Moving right along to the Primary T machines, Rukia took a seat in front of one of the wheels, digging through her purse for a few coins and handing a couple over to Shiro.

"Now get on in, Mr. Lion. Let's see if all that fierceness can help you on the road, or if you're just a helpless kitten."

It had been a pretty long time since Rukia had anyone she could talk to like this, so she had to admit that maybe she was loosening up more than she'd initially planned. Well...what was so wrong with that?


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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Mon May 24, 2021 2:36 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Bunnies? Bingo. Target acquired. Now he knows what she was staring at. There is a bunny right there, sitting proudly and taunting anyone who wants it. Huh, Rukia’s a bunny gal. He can see it. However, he’ll have to worry about the bunny later. There’s a race he has to win real quick. Wait. How do you even work this thing? Siting down, he’s just looking at the controls a bit lost. Right. He doesn’t know how to drive. Well, guess this will be plenty of experience for him then. This wheel must be what you turn, and there are pedals at the bottom. The instructions say that one is to go, and the other is to stop. That’s simple enough.

“I don’t like showing my claws unless I have to, but I’ll make an exception for you, Buns.”

He had to taunt her a bit, even use the new info about bunnies he just got against her. It’s not like it’s a nickname for her or anything, but if she can call him a kitten, he can call her Buns just once. Anyway, he took his coins and inserted them where it says they’re supposed to go. Alright. Let’s see how this works. Once the game starts, he’s already pressing down on the gas, watching the car go. Turning the wheel, he gets a feel for it, but then, he forgot about slowing down and slams into a guardrail. Whoops. Alright. This isn’t too hard, just got to pay attention.


God of Love
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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Mon May 24, 2021 4:38 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 PN5IfA7


Buns? That was all sorts of a weird nickname, for any number of reasons. Did he realize how that sounded? Rukia wasn't sure if it would have been better if he did or not. What a weird situation. She figured it was best just to ignore it and move on, and thankfully, it looked like her competition hadn't ever driven a car before.

Well, to be fair, she wasn't exactly a master behind the wheel either, but she'd at least played these games. Turns out familiarity with the setup helped you a lot.

"Oh yeah? Any time you want to let those claws out, I'm ready."

Her lead only got more and more apparent with each moment, mostly just on the grounds that she knew enough to get by. Anyone actually good at this game probably would have trounced her, but there was certainly something to be said for the efficiency of relatively safe driving when you were against someone who kept hitting the walls.


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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Mon May 24, 2021 1:01 pm
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 2 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Hey. He didn’t say it to make her feel anything but confusion. Unfortunately, her being confused about it didn’t stop her from whooping his ass in the racing game. It’s obvious from the get go that she’s just better at him right now. Maybe if he could practice for a bit, he’d be able to give her a run for her money, but this isn’t a challenge where he gets time to prepare, like a test. He has to give it his all right now. Rukia knows he’s no pushover when he puts his mind to something, and his mind is stuck on winning.

“I’ll show you claws.” He muttered to himself as he readjusted his grip on the steering wheel. As soon as he backed up off the wall, he pressed down on the gas pedal and started zooming. When the next turn came up, he let the gas go and hit the brakes, turning the wheel at the same time, performing a skid. He couldn’t help but smile wide as he then hit the gas again and started driving like a mad lad, somehow making it seem a bit easy to control the game. He actually got a bit too excited though and forgot to brake at one turn, his car hitting the rail and exploding.

“Ah! Dammit!” He growled as his screen flashed game over. He was so close to getting the hang of it too! Out of frustration, he hit the steering wheel with his fist and laid back in his seat, admitting defeat. His car is gone anyway, so there’s no point in trying to salvage anything.


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