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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 5 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Mon May 31, 2021 4:36 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 5 PN5IfA7


What to eat, huh? Honestly, even though she was hungry, Rukia couldn't say she'd really thought about where to actually go. She felt pretty confident that most of the places she remembered were long gone by now, so it's not like she had any real ideas of where to go anyway.

"What are you in the mood for? We're in Japan, so most of the good food here won't be too different from what we've got in Soul Society. Besides, I've been dragging you around all day, haven't I? It's your turn to drag me around for a little bit."

That sounded fair to Rukia. After all, it was true, wasn't it? She'd been bringing him around to all these places he probably never would have gone to on his own. It would be good to give him a chance to be a bit more familiar, relax a little bit. After all, she couldn't imagine Shiro was exactly enjoying all these stuffy spots she'd been taking him.


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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 5 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Mon May 31, 2021 12:35 pm
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 5 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Oh. He gets to decide? Well, he doesn’t have anything in particular, which is why he asked her. He would expect her, someone who’s been on Earth longer, to know more about where they could stop for a bite. Guess that’s not the case. Hmm… So, where he wants to eat, huh? He did suggest BBQ. To be honest, BBQ is something he rarely eats due to how much it costs without splitting the check. There’s no reason to overthink it. For a plain guy like him, the correct choice on an outing like this is one that doesn't require that much thought.

“Alright, BBQ it is. And, to be honest, I don’t mind if you drag me around. It’s rather refreshing seeing you outside a teaching setting. You look like you’re enjoying yourself, and that’s enough for me, honestly.”

Honestly, he’s never been the pushy one within his groups. It’s always been what his friends want, and seeing them carelessly moving forward always puts a small smile on his face. It’s not any different with Rukia. Who cares if he’s used to any of this? Really… As long as he’s familiar with her, he could probably handle any fancy person whatever shindig because it’s not that big of a deal to him. Getting annoyed with things is just all part of the fun, and if he gets annoyed by something, then he’s going to expect her to repay him with something that’s equal in the enjoyment factor.


God of Love
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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 5 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Mon May 31, 2021 3:13 pm
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 5 PN5IfA7


"Oh, yeah? Well thanks, I am having a good time out here. Didn't expect you to be such a softie, though. I'm sure all your friends would never let you live that down."

Giving him a smug grin, Rukia headed off through town, looking around for any BBQ spots. She wasn't sure what sort of BBQ he was specifically looking for, but there were all sorts around any decently big city. She couldn't imagine Karakura was much different, and before long she'd found what looked to be a decent Korean BBQ that seemed like it was more Shiro's speed than all the places they'd been visiting today.

"How's this look? I think this should be pretty okay."


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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 5 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Mon May 31, 2021 8:10 pm
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 5 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

“Soft? I guess… My boys didn’t expect me to be such a charitable guy when we first got together, but I guess I’m not that carefree. If I wasn’t enjoying myself, I would have let ya know. Minor annoyances and having a bad time are two different things. A suit is whatever when compared to the rest of the day, yeah? I’ve lived a lot of my life doing everything for myself, and it had cost me. I wouldn’t mind a bit of banter, if it meant having a good time with someone.”

Well, that was a bit mushy, but he thought he should state how little he really cared about that kind of stuff. There’s a difference between bullying and joking. Shiro knows his pals would have a little fun messing with him, but, at the end of the day, they’d support his decisions. Not that he’s suggesting that Rukia is something like that, because he’s like this with everyone. It’s always the same with him. First, he appears to not really care, and then, he gets close with that person, and, suddenly, he’s a saint. Of course, the fact he had beat up a claw machine means he hasn’t become a complete angel, but Rukia shouldn’t be surprised if Shiro opens a door for her or something.

Anyway, with the BBQ place before them, Shiro had to give it a good look around, from the inside and out. Not bad. Not bad. It’s not fancy, but it’s not rundown, a nice mix of homely and professional. With a small grin, he entered and waited for them to get seated and all that. A menu is soon brought over, and Shiro got himself some sake. What’s the point of BBQ without something to get the taste buds tingling a bit. Though, he shouldn’t drink too much. Save that kind of nonsense for another day.

“So, what should we order?”


God of Love
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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 5 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Thu Jun 03, 2021 1:57 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 5 PN5IfA7


"I don't think anyone would expect you to be that way. Not that it's a bad thing, though. I'd say maybe you ought to open up more to people, but I can't really say much about that. I didn't learn that lesson until I was a lot older than you are."

Rukia laughed quietly to herself at that, though there was something about it that seemed a bit humorless. Being in Karakura had really brought up memories she'd thought she'd come to terms with, and getting friendly like this had only made them worse. A part of her wondered where everyone had gone, but--

That wasn't why they were here. Getting caught up in all of that when she was out here trying to give Shiro a nice day in town wasn't ideal. Despite herself, she ordered a sake as well, if only to calm her nerves a bit and get her mind away from those sorts of topics. She wouldn't have much.

"I'll leave it up to you. Order whatever you like, it seems like they don't exactly have small portions anyway. We'd probably be splitting most of what we got regardless."


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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 5 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Thu Jun 03, 2021 4:48 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 5 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

"I don't know about you, but I could handle one of these on my own."

Well, there are implications there, taunting implications, but he's not going to outright call her out. It's not her fault she's so short and petite. A big meal like this is probably too much for her. Strange, yeah, when you consider you have to eat more the stronger you become. Guess strength isn't proportional to stomach size after all. Shiro couldn't help himself, hiding a little chuckle behind his fist.

So, she thinks he should open up to people more, huh? That's not hard, but it's also extremely hard. Letting anyone in doesn't seem appealing at all. It's a wonder how they've become this tight, considering their positions and personalities. Actually, Shiro can't really think of a lot of times where Rukia was this outgoing outside of their interactions. Does she have friends? He can recall reading about her little group and Karakura, but where are they all at now? Makes him think about how all his friends are gone, but that's entirely different. They're dead. Rukia's aren't, probably.

"Lets get these family ribs, with some chips as an appetizer. Whatcha want as a side?"

As he made his suggestion, their waiter came back with their drinks and asked if they were ready to order. Shiro would look at Rukia so she could pick their sides.


God of Love
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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 5 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Thu Jun 03, 2021 4:58 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 5 PN5IfA7


"Well, that makes one of us then, doesn't it?"

Rukia doesn't necessarily mind his taunting, considering the implication is entirely true. There's no way someone her size could handle that much food, and pretending she could just for the sake of her pride would only end up wasting it. Drinking down the first cup of her sake, she thought for a second about the sides.

"You guys have vegetables, right? You think I can get sliced cucumbers?"

Normally, that probably would have been an odd request for a restaurant like this, but it being Japan, she doubted it would be that out of left field. Even if it wasn't an option, she'd have just gotten pickled vegetables or something like that, but thankfully, cucumbers were an option.

Pouring out another cup of sake for herself, Rukia sipped it a bit more slowly, thinking about the situation for a moment or two.

"You can get more if you're still hungry after, you know."


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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 5 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Thu Jun 03, 2021 5:28 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 5 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Thankfully, they do have sliced cucumbers, but Shiro'd be damn if he let his sides be just cucumbers. He ordered some fries just so he'd have something that isn't just a fresh vegetable. And then, Rukia threw back her drink like it was water. It must be refreshing because not even Shiro would act so brazenly before the food even arrived. He couldn't help but feel he needed to do the same. She's already pouring seconds and drinking it! She's not going to be able to eat anything if she gets her ass full of alcohol.

"I was just saying, this feels a bit different then when I'm out with the guys. It's a lot less rowdy for one, and I doubt we'll be fighting for scraps. I've never had to actually eat a family dinner on my own."

Well, he might as well take a sip too. He didn't finish his sake in one go, but it was a hefty sip. Guess Rukia needs a bit of a mental reset. Alcohol is good for that. He just hopes she's not a secret alcoholic. Is he ready to see that side of her? Class would never be the same. He's curious though. Should he ask? He wants to. He's going to.

"When was the last time you went out like this, huh, Rukia?"

Curiosity killed the cat, but he has 9 lives. Surely, his question won't insult her, yeah? She's just been a bit peppy all day, like she doesn't get to do this a lot. She can't get mad at his childlike expression, right?

God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 5 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Thu Jun 03, 2021 7:15 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 5 PN5IfA7


"Well, if you're lucky this'll be your chance. If you can eat that much, go right ahead."

Mm, the question he's asking only runs counter to what Rukia's been trying not to think about. The last time she'd done anything like this was far too long ago, really. Sure, she got out now and again, but it wasn't like this. Calm, just for the sake of the old days. Drinking down the rest of her second cup of sake, Rukia neglected to refill it this time. For now, anyway.

"It's been a long time. Not since the old days, I'd say."

She's certainly being a bit more forthcoming with him now, but how much of that is on account of the alcohol, and how much is simply her not wanting to lie about it? Shiro was someone she'd found a certain fondness for, and she couldn't say she'd want to lie to him on an innocuous question like that.


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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 5 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Thu Jun 03, 2021 8:11 am
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 5 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Oh. Well, that's a bummer. How long is a long time? Rukia is old, somewhat. Shiro won't ask for specifics though. He will, however, wonder yo himself about this. What happened to her friends? Why did she stop trying to have times like this, between the two of them? He's curious, but he won't spoil the mood.

"Well, guess it's like that saying... Uh... Leave the past behind and look towards the future? Dont worry, Rukia. Whenever you feel bored or down or whatever, just come find me. I wouldn't mind spending the day with you."

Encouraging words. Ugh. He's being a sap, but that's alright as long as it helps keeps the mood high. He needs to drink more. Somehow he had finished his sake. Pouring more, he would look over at her empty glass. Hmm... Whenever he's out with the guys and they drop some heavy loads, they usually start drinking like mad to drown out any negativity. He wonders how well she holds down alcohol. She is tiny, after all.

"Hey. How about another contest?"

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