Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 8 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Fri Jun 04, 2021 4:07 pm
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 8 PN5IfA7


"Yeah, it's good..."

The second she laid down, Rukia felt simultaneously much better and much worse. She didn't need to walk anymore, so that was nice, but being still only made the drunken feeling rocking through her head that much more pronounced for her. Oh man, this was just awful, just the worst...

"Huh? Oh, thanks..."

Sitting up with a groan, Rukia had a bit of trouble actually drinking the water Shiro had brought to her, and she spilled more than a touch onto her shirt with a sigh of annoyance. Go figure...

"Hey, siddown, you're drunk too... I don't want you fallin' over or anything like that..."


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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 8 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Fri Jun 04, 2021 4:20 pm
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 8 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

A mess. She’s making a mess. He made a mess too, but at least it was in the sink and not on the couch or on her clothes. He couldn’t help but let his irritation show. Grumbling, he walked off and came back with a towel. He then proceeded to trip on whatever little cushion thing was in the middle of the living room onto the couch next to her. Alright. He was planning to argue that he didn’t need to sit, but life has a way of knocking the wind out of your sails. Either way, he’d sit up and move to wipe her shirt, but he then remembered that he shouldn’t do that. He just had a whole thought process about his feelings and all that crap! He’s horribly aware of his attraction, so he just ended up throwing it at her face.

“Wipe yourself off, woman! Don’t want ya catching a cold or anything.”

He muttered with a bit of unneeded force as he turned his face away. Dammit. His skin is too pale for him to be feeling his cheeks heat up. It’s like someone starting a fire on a snowy mountain. You can see that crap from a mile away, and no doubt she’ll notice his face, even if she’s barely coherent. Obviously, he’s handling being drunk better than her thanks to drinking more, so he’s able to not be a complete fool.

He also said to not catch a cold like a dumbass. He doesn’t know her powers are literally related to subzero temperatures. Also, they’re inside. What is she going to catch a cold from? The 70 degree temperature? He’s just trying to make sense of all this crap. He’s sitting next to a woman who’s drunk, spilled water on herself, and looks like she’s about to jump out the window if she ever asks for some fresh air. Honestly, he could use some fresh air too. Is it getting hot in here? No? Just his face? Shit.


God of Love
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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 8 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Fri Jun 04, 2021 4:33 pm
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 8 PN5IfA7


Rukia had been expecting a lot of things, but a towel thrown at her face absolutely wasn't one of them. She would have just caught it and thrown it back at him normally, but normally she wouldn't have been so drunk that just sitting up was a challenge. She couldn't believe him! The nerve! She did wipe herself off, though her shirt was a bit too soaked now for it to matter. Whatever, there were more important things now..!

"I'm not catching a cold, idiot..! I'm way tougher than that! I oughta give you a cold!"

That threat had made more sense in her head, but a few steps had been lost along the way. She went to give him a decent hit to the shoulder, but it was tremendously misguided, and really it just ended up being more of a general bodily impact with a flail of the arm. God, this was so pathetic...

"...This has been nice..."

Damn it. Now she was getting all emotional. He did this. Hitting his chest halfheartedly, she buried her face into his shoulder. She'd hoped drinking would keep her mind off this, but now it was only making her realize how mhch she had missed this. Just being herself, having fun. For the first time in who knew how long, Rukia honestly felt alive. She didn't exactly want to be crying, but she couldn't help it now. The tears just sort of started on their own.


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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 8 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Fri Jun 04, 2021 4:49 pm
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 8 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Give him a cold? How is she going to do that? Again, his ignorance ruins his thought. All that came to mind was her actually getting her wet shirt on him, and there are only two ways for her to do that. One: she takes it off. Two: she jumps him. Now, secretly, he’s fine with either. However, he’s not going to say that because he’s not an idiot. However, one thing becomes glaringly clear when she got closer.

He did not sign up for this. Well, actually, he did. He’s the one who challenged her to drink. He’s the one who told her to not think about her past and to focus on enjoying herself. She’s like a mad bunny. Well, saying puppy or something would have made more sense, but she likes bunnies, so he’ll use bunnies for this situation. Besides, even when angry, they’re still pretty cute. Did he just think that? Kind of hard not to think something when she’s leaning against him, and, also, burying her face into his shoulder. Is she crying?

Is this his fault also? What’s going on in her head? He’s awfully curious, but that can wait. This is one of those moments where him being drunk makes him a bit more emotional. With a sigh, his arm would move around her, pulling her a tad bit closer, so she can rest her head on his chest. Oh. Guess she did get him wet by jumping him. Whatever. He doesn’t know what to say. His brain isn’t working that hard, so that means he’ll just let her cry it out against him. Screw tomorrow. He said it himself. Today is today. Yesterday and tomorrow doesn’t matter.


God of Love
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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 8 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Fri Jun 04, 2021 5:01 pm
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 8 PN5IfA7


What? What was he doing now? It took Rukia a second or two to even process what he'd done, but she realized where she was now. It was nice. It was comfortable. Was that even okay? Did she care if it was okay? She did, but she didn't want to. She was so tired of how things had been, so tired of keeping up this facade that she was fine with how things were. She wanted to just be happy again, and for once, someone who seemed like they actually cared was in front of her.

"Don't...don't go away. Please."

What a stupid thing to ask. What, were they supposed to stay like this forever? That didn't even sound good to her, and she was the one saying it. But that was just how it'd come out, and she didn't have it in her to bother correcting herself. She felt awful, crying drunk was even worse than normal crying, but at least she was mostly done now. Maybe the occasional sniffle now and again, but now she was just staying right where she was. She should've moved. She didn't want to, though.


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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 8 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Fri Jun 04, 2021 5:25 pm
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 8 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

That request? Did he hear her correctly? His whole body sighed. Is he mad? Relieved? He’s unsure, but he knows one simple thing: he doesn’t want to let her go. His mind isn’t in a good place. It’s drunk, love struck probably, and, honestly, in the gutter. Do this. Do that. His mind is urging him to solidify what he wants to be for her. He doesn’t answer her. He can’t. Not only that, but he doesn’t trust himself to not say something even more stupid. Besides, actions are better than words.

His mouth slightly agape, his arm around her tightened as it wrapped around so that his hand could reach her chin. With his fingers gently wrapping around her chin, his thumb and forefinger proving a bit forceful on her cheek. Whether she desired to move her chin or not, he’d get her to tilt her head upwards. His eyes are closed, and any restraint that is still working in his body isn’t working. Despite all the time in the world to reconsider this, when he kissed her, everything seemed to melt away for a second. Funny how it took him so much time to decide to do this, yet, it only lasted but a moment.

Breaking away like he had committed a great sin, fighting back his blush became an impossible task. In fact, sitting still proved just as hard. However, how could he run with her on him? There exists only one option, and that is to talk. God. He just prays that his words are not horrifying.

“I’m not going anywhere, Rukia. In fact, I think I wouldn’t mind catching a cold, if it’s you.”

If someone opened his skull, they would see his brain cells doing backflips and patting each other's back for that one. Committing a great sin, be damned! Tonight is the night.


God of Love
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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 8 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Fri Jun 04, 2021 5:44 pm
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 8 PN5IfA7


This-- This wasn't what she'd meant. It wasn't what she'd expected, it was exactly what she'd tried to keep him from thinking of. But she couldn't bring herself to push him away. Rukia could only stare into Shiro's eyes, blushing just a touch herself as the full weight of what had just happened settled in. What was she supposed to say? How did she even respond to something like that? She didn't--

She didn't hate it. But it was sobering, if only the slightest bit. What was she thinking about now? Not very much, honestly. She'd never really been in a situation like this, and she'd been just fine with that. But now, here he was, giving her the life she'd missed so much, and treating her like this. It was, even in spite of her age, something she had trouble understanding. The liquor certainly didn't help.

"I can't believe you'd just take that without even asking..."

That was all she could muster. Anything else felt too embarrassing, too difficult to say when she was so inebriated and so overwhelmed. Part of Rukia wanted to blame it all on her emotional state, but that was stupid. She wouldn't even buy that now, let alone later when she was sober. Damn it. Damn it... She'd asked him not to go anywhere. She still, even after that, didn't want him to go anywhere. She didn't want to think about what that meant, but she had to.

"Then I'm taking one too..."

She raised herself upward just a touch more, pressing her lips against his. It's more forceful than what he had given to her, more aggressive. She wants this. Maybe it's for the best Rukia's so drunk, because she wouldn't be letting this happen if she were sober. But in the haze of inebriation, free of inhibition, she didn't care about how selfish it was. For once, she just wanted to do something for herself. It was so tiring, living for everyone else's sake.


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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 8 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Fri Jun 04, 2021 6:31 pm
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 8 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Asking? Come on. He should have asked, but saying anything would have ruined the atmosphere completely. There was nothing that came to mind when he had acted. It just felt like the correct choice, but hearing her sort of made him feel bad. Seeing her blush is cute, but he did just force himself on her. That was wrong. He’s drunk, and he lost control of his actions for a bit. That’s the only thing he can tell himself because, deep down, he knew he wanted to do that, inebriated or not. Letting their emotions run high like this? They’re really in trouble now. Finding the right words to apologize with is hard. You can’t just say sorry. He kissed her. That’s not something you can take back, but he has to find something.

With his mouth moving to mutter something, again he’s at a lost for words. Just as he found the will to try and fix this, she reassured him that there’s nothing that needs fixing. In fact, whatever was leaving his mouth was silenced without mercy. Her lips collided with his, any thought that this is wrong washed away and frozen deep in the ocean. Rukia’s right. She is taking one, and Shiro’s not letting this be the only thing she takes. He sure as Hell isn’t settling with just stealing a kiss. He matched her aggressiveness after his initial shock, his hands suddenly where they shouldn’t be. They’re wet, and it’s her fault. She should take responsibility. Breaking away just because he had to take a quick breath, he couldn’t help but put his fingers on the buttons of her shirt. With just one action, Rukia, despite herself, has set this drunken killer on fire.

“Remember about catching that cold? I know a sure way to deal with that.”

Yes. He’s implying that. He’s no longer thinking about anything but right now. Will they regret this after a good night’s sleep? Who knows?! But, he’s definitely going to make sure she has a good night’s sleep. His normally lazy eyes are dangerously focused, and despite the spinning room, the only thing centering himself right now is her.


God of Love
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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 8 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Fri Jun 04, 2021 6:49 pm
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 8 PN5IfA7


It was one thing to kiss him. In fact, it was a fairly simple thing, even if it wasn't something she could say she knew much about. But as his hands moved, as his intentions were made clear, Rukia found that, even in this drunken haze, even with every bone in her body begging for companionship, she just...she wasn't ready for that. She found it difficult to stop him, her chest a bit tight and her vision certainly clouded over. But her own hand met his upon her chest, and she shook her head, gently but firmly.

"Shiro, don't...don't push it like that..."

Honestly, she probably should have been mad. Part of her even was, really, but in the moment, she wasn't willing to be alone just because she was angry. Besides, it wasn't as if she could even blame him...not with how she'd just acted. But she wasn't ready for that sort of thing, and she didn't want that to be what she remembered. She didn't want that to define their trip today.

"Don't, alright..?"

Firmness was a bit difficult when you were as drunk as she was, and frankly, the alcohol was only continuing to saturate her system as time passed. She'd probably pass out soon if she didn't throw up, but she knew she didn't want that. It was too much, too soon. She just wanted...well, she just wanted to sleep in his arms right about now. Kissing him on the cheek this time, Rukia's head nodded forward a bit listlessly, her eyelids clearly heavy and her gaze unfocused. If things just stayed like this...

She'd be happy.


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No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 8 Empty Re: No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro]

Fri Jun 04, 2021 11:56 pm
No Patrol Today [Rukia, Shiro] - Page 8 HufbTT0

Shiro | White and Grey

Not now? Oh. Well, he did not see that coming, if he’s being honest. This is a bit much, though, isn’t it? How did their little outing become like this? Alcohol is a horrifying substance. It’s surreal, having someone say no like this. It reminds him of when he was a child soldier, a lame piece in some gang’s war. You weren’t allowed to deny something or say no. The fact that Rukia, even while drunk, was able to pull her senses together and speak up is nice to him. It’s almost comical that he’s able to do the same. That’s enough about the past, however. His mind focuses on the now, and, right now, Rukia looks like she’s about to pass out.

It’s not like he doesn’t want to cross that boundary still, but she said no, so what’s he supposed to do but wait. This is fine. Seeing her peaceful is enough. No one deserves to be pushed to tears. He would wonder about tomorrow, but he’s starting to feel tired himself. Maybe she’s contagious. They should at least make it to the bed, and their clothes are still wet.


Sighing, he’d pick her up and carry her to the bedroom, putting her down on the bed, if she’d allow. He should leave her be and take another room. She’ll be fine. For some odd reason, he feels like she’s not the type of person to be bothered by a bit of water. He, on the other hand, is going to take his shirt off and sleep elsewhere. He spared her one last look before leaving her. What a night.


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