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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako) Empty Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako)

Mon Sep 28, 2020 12:51 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Left. Right. Duck. Jab. Uppercut. Finally, it ends with a hook from the right. Though, that hit is fueled with enough force to cause the wooden block to rip from the roots of the ground and spin on the spot like a toy before sputtering onto the ground on its side as its rotation carries it away. Following that sudden display of strength, a deep breath is taken by the lone individual standing amidst the training area. As strange as it may be for this area to be so empty, Elyss is far from bothered by it. The silence brings her thoughts to fruition, it keeps her hands steady and focused. She has a lot to think about and the movement of her body helps her think as smoothly as water flowing down a hill. Each punch represented a memory that crashed against her mind like a tidal wave before being forcibly calmed by her own developed consciousness. Ah, how she has grown from that young angry girl she used to be.

Yet, the uniform around her person still felt strange, as if she’s taken something that doesn’t rightfully belong to her. After abandoning her post, was it right for her to return under the pretense of better judgement? Everyone else thinks it great that she’s returned, but Tenmarin hasn’t returned to her. Despite how devilish that Zanpakuto is, it’s still a part of her soul that is still missing. It is but a symbol of how far she has to go before she can truly call herself a member of the Gotei once more. Either way, breaking the training gear is a bad way to start off. Shit.

Flexing her wrist in a circular motion, she moves to go and pick up the wooden block and return it back to the place it once was. Afterwards, she returns, again, to punching the block in a repetitive manner. Left. Right. Duck. Jab. Uppercut. Again. Left. Right. Duck. Jab. Uppercut. Over and over again.



Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako) Empty Re: Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako)

Wed Sep 30, 2020 12:29 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako) 6EdIfMt

Two steps, breathe-in, two steps, breath-out.

It was like a mantra in Hanako's head she always recited when she was running. Not that she had to. She ran so much she could probably do it while sleeping. But it kept her head so wonderfully clear. There were only the steps and her breath.

Two steps, breathe-in, two steps, breath-out.

She ran in a casual jog, her arms at her side, slightly bent. It was only light exercise, and her movements were light and elastic. Still, even so there was some sweat on her arms, her neck, face and collarbone. Not because she was exhausted, but because that was what her body was meant to do when she was training.
Today Hanako was in her normal, sleeveless shihakusho, because she had just finished a shift and had decided to go for a run instead of going home. Not that anyone or anything awaited her in her small room…
She was even still wearing her sword in her obi on her left hip. It didn't bother her. On the contrary: because she almost always wore the weapon since she graduated from the academy, it had become like a part of her body. When she would be training in her proper sportswear and without the sword, she'd always feel a bit naked.

Two steps, breathe-in, two steps, breath-out.

Suddenly a loud cracking noise disrupted her mantra and brought her steps out of sync. Hanako stumbled, but only for a short moment, then stopped. Immediately her hand was on the hilz of her sword.
Almost as fast as she had become alert she relaxed again. The sound had come from a nearby training area and as far as Hanako could tell there was only one person present. So, no fight, only the destruction of property. The caretakers wouldn't be thrilled. Hanako had met one once and tried to avoid any caretaker ever since. They were in chronically bad moods for constantly having to repair damage to the Seireitei. Damage was more or less inevitably, though, in a city inhabited by people that could obliterate said city singlehandedly.

When Hanako peeked around the corner of the area's entrance she saw a fair and beautiful red-headed woman that just put part of a wooden training dummy back on the stump to which it had been connected just a few moments ago. Then the woman began with a set of evasive moves, jabs and uppercuts, seemingly without noticing that she had a spectator.

As Hanako watched the other woman a thought formed in her min. A thought to change her training routine for today.

Hanako stepped closer and went around the red-haired woman until she was in her field of view.

"Excuse me." She said and bowed politely. "My name is Hanako Yamada. I wondered if I could join you and train here with you."

Hanako's gaze wandered down the other woman's body and remained on her right arm for a moment. It ended below the elbow. Unconsciously Hanako flexed her own right hand.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako) Empty Re: Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako)

Wed Sep 30, 2020 5:54 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

There it is, a tingling sensation in her right arm. Every one of her fingers feel strange, not a painful strange though. It’s like her nerves are suddenly hyperactive, to the point where it’s numbing her appendage. Well, on one hand, it might just be her body’s way of counteracting the pain she should be experiencing from punching the wooden block barefisted. Though, on the other hand, it could mean she has nerve damage, but that doesn’t worry her too much. She’s been brought back from the brink of death before. Problems with her nerves will most likely prove childsplay for an experienced healer in the Gotei. Funnily enough, she’s been experiencing this sort of sensation for a while now whenever she throws an excessive amount of strong punches. One could blame her ignorance for her just now worrying about it.

Either way, her body’s issues don’t concern her at the moment. Someone’s watching her. Elyss isn’t the most aware, but there’s a sudden stench in the air. She knows it’s not her own because she has yet to actually push herself and work up a sweat, so that means it’s someone else’s fragrant scent. No matter. It’s probably just someone looking to train themselves. Her little dance with the wooden block is nothing more but a way to pass the time, nothing too serious. Though, her solo act soon ends as this mystery individual appears before her bowing. Eh?

Stopping in her actions, her arms falling to her side as her fingers flexed. Ah, she actually winced slightly as her right hand’s fingers seemed to lock up slightly before popping as she formed that fist and released it. Yeah, she’s going to have to get checked out after this, whatever this is. But, with quick and to the point request, Elyss now has on her hands a woman that wishes to spar or something of the sort. Huh. Her onyx eyes take a moment to move to the face of this person before roaming down lazily, as if barely considering this woman an actual person. So, this is where that sudden smell came from. What is this? A lame imitation of Ulv? Still, this giant woman’s arms seem impressive, far bigger than Elyss’ but do they hold the same power? That’s the question.

“Tch… And, what exactly did you have in mind when you say train?”

It wasn’t a yes or a no, but at least it seems that Elyss is somewhat interested. The redhead isn’t one to simply turn down a chance to dance, an issue of hers that has gotten her into trouble over and over again. She shouldn’t really bother with any fighting with her right side the way it is, but she’ll never learn. It’s a quirk of hers.



Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako) Empty Re: Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako)

Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:59 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako) 6EdIfMt

Despite a bit of wet glistening on Hanako's skin she was breathing quite normally. Also, because she always minded her personal hygiene, there was no stench of sour old sweat on her. Of course there was no saying how any of the so drastically different individuals that populated the Seireitei experienced any odour, be it as clean as it could be.

The woman in front of her didn't seem to be overzealous at Hanako's intrusion. Many of her fellow Shinigami were always up for a training partner. But not all of them. It looked like the red-head was one that prefered her solitude, at least in this moment. She hadn't even returned the courtesy of introducing herself.

"What you were doing, hand to hand? In fact I'd be open to almost anything. We can use our swords if you'd prefer that."

Hanako's tone was still friendly, despite the rather rude answer from the red-head. She wanted her to know that this was a question that could be answered with a 'no', without upsetting anyone, although the other woman did show signs of interest.

"So...are you interested or would you rather be left alone? If so that'd be fine. It was only a question, no ulterior motives."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako) Empty Re: Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako)

Mon Oct 05, 2020 1:13 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“I find it more therapeutic to beat the shit out of something over using a sword.”

The corner of her lips curled into a small taunting smirk. What a reserved woman. Out of all the giants the redhead has come into contact with, Hanako seems to be that gentle outlier. Though, once in a combative situation, Elyss could only wonder how this woman’s demeanor changes. Is she the attacker or the defender: a powerhouse or a solid rock? Eh, there is only one way to find out at the current moment. However, with another flex of her right hand’s fingers, Elyss is reminded of her physical condition.

“Well, anyway, give me a second. I’ll give you a quick bout. As fun as punching a block of wood is, a live moving opponent proves better for training.”

Stepping away from Hanako towards a small crate, she’d bend down and rummage through the thing before pulling out some white tape. Quickly, her right arm would soon become decorated with the tape, the substance proving a suitable makeshift cast to help buffer the strain on her right side a bit. It’s definitely not much of anything, but it’ll give her something a bit more than just going in raw. Though, with the wrapping fitted, she’d rise again and turn towards Hanako, her head directing the woman over to a more suitable area for a dance as she’d move herself and begin a light stretch which isn’t really helping considering how warm her body already is from punching that wooden block.

“...Name’s Elyss, by the way. Seventh Division and all that. Hope you're ready for quite the spar.”



Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako) Empty Re: Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako)

Tue Oct 06, 2020 3:54 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako) 6EdIfMt

"Well, if you prefer that…" Hanako said and shrugged her shoulders.

Personally she always preferred the sword. But that was really only a preference, it didn't mean that she ignored hand-to-hand in her training, she just found more joy in working with a sword.

For the first time Hanako had doubts about her idea of joining the other woman in her training. Not because she became afraid or something, no. Even if she was, she wouldn't back down. What she became concerned about was that she really only had some harmless training in mind and the red-head seemed like someone that could easily just overdo it. Still, no reason to back down. Hanako just hoped there would be no further destruction of Gotei property.

Hanako watched the other woman stepping to a small crate and taping her right arm.

"I agree with you about the sparring with a living opponent."

She hesitated a moment.

"What is with your arm? Are you alright?"

It was quite obvious that she was not alright, otherwise she wouldn't have needed the tape. The question was more along the lines, if it was okay if they sparred now.
While the other prepared Hanako took her sword from her obi and leaned it carefully against a wall. Then she stretched a bit herself. Wrists, arms, shoulders, back, legs. It was only a quick routine, Hanako had already done that once before she started running. When she finished she closed her eyes for a moment, took a few deep breaths. It was nice to properly prepare.

"Nice to make your acquaintance, Elyss. I am from the First Division myself."

Hanako made herself ready and assumed her usual stance: left foot forward, right back and to the side, weight distributed only slightly on the forward foot. Her arms were only slightly lifted and bent, ready at her sides. She looked almost relaxed. But it was just speciousness and her eyes gave her away. Her icy-blue eyes were focused on Elyss, and Elyss alone, ready and alert.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako) Empty Re: Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako)

Fri Oct 09, 2020 9:50 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Well, preferred or not, Elyss doesn’t have her Zanpakuto. She’s kind of unable to fight any other way than with her fists which is why she even has to wrap her right hand anyway. Though, that’s a story of events that she doesn’t talk about with anyone, only a certain few knowing of that shaky moment in her life. Maybe she should have mentioned her inability for such, but she doesn’t want to get any unnecessary questions and be forced to lie about her situation. There’s little reason to put herself out there like that.

“Don’t worry about my arm. It’s just a little sore, but I’ve fought with my bones broken into pieces before. This is nothing but a little advantage for ya. You’ll need it.”

And, there’s a small taunt before a wink is thrown in Hanako’s direction as Elyss moves to take a stand as well. Teases and taunts are one way to simply prepare for a fight. Getting into an opponent's head to throw them off, learn a bit about them and their style, simply encourage more effort into their punches and kicks; it’s all rather in jest and to liven up the situation. Of course, Elyss knows how to use it in an actual fight, but as someone who has gone into the deep end multiple times, her use of it may have proven a bit more sadistic and masochistic than normal.

As Hanako takes her stance, she is quick to follow, her left foot sliding forward, farther than Hanako’s did as her right would slip back, her foot turned a 45 degree angle from her right. Her elbows would simply bend 90 degrees at her side, her fingers flexing before tightening into fists. Though, her stance would switch quickly as her knees bent some. Her previous stance wasn’t good for the current situation, it’s not an opener so she’ll make sure to get this fight started properly before employing it. Her left forearm would revolve upward around her elbow before pointing straight upward towards the sky as her right moved back putting her upper half more horizontal to her lower half.

She’ll not give Hanako a warning simply because the other seemed already focused on the fight. Instead, there is but a single physical cue as her right foot pressed down onto the ground, her heel rising, as her toes pressed down and propelled her forward in one powerful push, employing a basic use of Hoho to close the distance between them quickly before jabbing forward with her right as her whole body turned to reinforce her punch that is aimed right for the center of Hanako’s nose. However, quickly afterwards, Elyss’ right foot would have landed on the ground which would immediately swivel using her toes and carry her whole body into a spin as her left leg rose and her upper body lowered, employing a swivel kick for the right side of Hanako’s head just incase her jab was deflected and to force the other woman to back up instead of countering, hopefully.



Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako) Empty Re: Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako)

Tue Oct 13, 2020 9:46 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako) 6EdIfMt

So, Elyss played the badass. So be it. The Goetei was full of these types and Hanako had seen a lot of them. Hell, she had been one of them, maybe still was, at times. Never show any weakness, always be the strong one.
Well, either that or Elyss really didn't like her new training partner.

The first attack came as Hanako had expected, because she probably would have done the same. There was little warning, only a slight shifting her weight and the beautiful readhead was propelled forward by Hoho, aiming for a straight jab at Hanako's face. There was probably a considerable force behind the punch, since Elyss used her whole body in it. However, Hanako hadn't planned to take it head on.

When the punch came Hanako made a quick step to her own left, combined with a rotation ninety degrees to the right, so that Hanako went out of the line of the punch, while still having her front towards Elyss. At the same time her hands spurted upwards to grab Elyss' arm and…
Only a split second after Hanako had to abort her maneuver when she saw Elyss swivel around, and her leg flying towards her. Only a quick gliding step backwards and bending her upper body back brought her out of harms way. Now Hanako was in a conceivable bad position for a counter attack.

So she did another half step back, stabilized herself and then she went forwards for her own attack.
With her left hand she reached out, tried to grab Elyss' hair…
...only to pull the hand back and down as cover immediately, as it was only a feint, while at the same moment she would throw a punch with her right, coming from below and aiming at the solar plexus.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako) Empty Re: Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako)

Fri Oct 16, 2020 12:04 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Played the badass? She is the badass. If one were to put the redhead experiences against Hanako’s, then they would know for themselves just how much of a crazy bitch Elyss is. Hey. You have to live what you preach, yeah? And, she definitely lives the bravado that slips from between her lips. Though, she’s not too proud about it.

Having her punch simply sidestepped proved somewhat exciting. It means her opponent has some skill. Good. What would be the point of this if it ended in one simple punch and kick combo? They both have the chance to learn something whether it be about fighting or about one another. Elyss is quick to prepare herself for a counterattack as her assault ended with nothing in return. Hanako backed up and, possibly, lost her chance for a more impactful counter. That was the point of that little combo. Now, Elyss is capable of bettering her stance for whatever is coming.

Taking note of the left coming for her hair, Elyss showed little movement to dodge it. Instead, she’d take a step forward towards Hanako’s hand, just for it to be a feint. It seems Elyss had called the bluff, or better yet, she had wanted to take Hanako’s stunt head on. For her reward, she’s given a punch right into the center of her chest. Well, she did take that step into it. However, she doesn’t just simply eat it. Her left foot is currently stepping down, but, with a quick slide along with it, she moves her upper body to the side causing Hanako's uppercut to sail between her body and underarm. Following up on her dodge, Elyss would attempt to quickly wrap her right arm around Hanako’s outstretched arm and grab the larger woman’s elbow with her left. Though, Elyss would then charge inwards tucking her body so that her right shoulder went forward and aiming to tackle right into Hanako’s chest while pulling the other downwards towards her. The next second would be followed by Elyss showing off her magnificent strength and hosting herself upwards with Hanako to toss the woman over her shoulder and onto the floor behind her to land on her back. Elyss would turn spin and back up, retaking the stance she started the fight with with a small smirk.



Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako) Empty Re: Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako)

Mon Oct 19, 2020 9:42 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Broken Fists, Staunch Defense (Elyss/Hanako) 6EdIfMt

As if time had slowed down, Hanako saw how her fist moved towards Elyss' chest, hiw Elyss even moved into the punch.
But only for the fraction of a second. Then Elyss pulled one shoulder back and let Hanako's punch pass, grabbed her arm...and rammed her other shoulder into Hanako's body.

With an audible "prffft" the air was forced out of her lungs and through her clenched teeth. At the same moment she felt lifted and thrown..

Hanako knew what was happening and that there was little she could do to avoid it. What she could do was kind of curl up in the air, force her bode to roll in the air, so that she would not land flat on her back. Instead she rolled half to her side and used her free arm to absorb some of the energy of the impact.

With a quick jump she came back to her feet and assumed, just as Elyss, her stance. On her face, though, was a clear grin.
Yes, there it was again. That rush, the energy, the focus...the thrill of battle. Of course Hanako knew that it was only training and she'd never forget it for a second. But she felt the thrill nonetheless. The thrill of fighting against a real opponent, not knowing what happened next, the joy when they exchanged attacks and counterattacks, a chain of multiple moves. Simply put: at that exact point, Hanako was really starting to have fun.

It had been a while before she really found joy in fighting. Not in killing, mind you. She was capable of doing it, although she preferred not to. The fight itself, though, the art of body movement, of tactics...she just recently found the love for it, with help of someone she admired since

With the grin on her face, Hanako charged Elyss again. Directly in front of the other woman, Hanako used a flashstep to execute a sidestep. But it was only a really short one.
In virtually the same moment, that Hanako 'disappeared' before Elyss, she reappeared at her left side, rotated left, so that Hanako's center was still aimed towards Elyss.
She would not stop the rotation, but grab Elyss' left arm and pull her with her. At the same time she'd twist Elyss' arm, so that her joints would block, so that movement with that arm was virtually impossible from that position. Also, while not being particularly painful, it'd send a simple but clear signal: follow my lead or the arm is broken. Hanako wouldn't go that far in a training, but there'd be no way for Elyss to know.
If the move was successful, Hanako would then continue to rotate, forcing Elyss to follow around her, and quickly bring her down to the ground, trying to secure her in a submission hold with a knee in her side, a hand at her shoulder, securing it, and the other hand at her wrist, keeping the arm twisted.
In theory, Hanako would be relatively safe with Elyss in that hold, lying flat on her belly.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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