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The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime]

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The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime] Empty The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime]

Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:51 pm
Note: You may request that your hazard level be lowered, but you must provide suffiecent reason as to why it should be lowered. This is so that the Hazard System itself actually has a purpose to be around and accurately gauges a characters threat level in context to the PH verse.

Enter The Hazard System

The purpose of the Hazard System is to gauge the threat levels of various characters under different types of criteria. These can range from their direct threat levels (i.e. tier and abilities), to the resources they have at their disposal (equipment, armies etc) and overall potential to cause havoc/damage to the site. Ultimately, this is a more accurate representation of an individual's power, whereas most people attributed Tier to someone's power when it specifically only represented the breadth of a character's energy levels. We'll break down how we assess a character's hazard level through three different facets, and what we use to gauge those facets.

How They Are Gauged

Power: The first and foremost consideration for a character's hazard level is the individual, raw power they can output at any given moment. This concerns the potency of their abilities, the general displayed threat level they've put out on the site boards, and where tier is often correlated. We consider power for a hazard assessment due to how a character's powers can be leveraged to cause damage and destruction to infrastructure, terrain, and people. This includes even unconventional powers where, even without overt potency, their uniqueness proves highly effective.

For some examples, someone like Wolf Lionus would garner an exceptionally high assessment regarding their power. Not only do they have abilities which reaches an extremely high potency, but the amount of unbridled energy they can directly channel into a nonstop onslaught of power and destruction is outright oppressive for those who can't match him in this sense. On the other side is Valentine R. Carter, who doesn't quite reach the same level of content energy wise, but the unique nature of his abilities to effectively ignore the spiritual power to abilities, and only consider the kinetic force of their output, makes for an equally high level regarding [Power]. For some more resources to better understand powers and potency, here are some links.

Influence: This factor is usually considered through political power and connections. Essentially, Influence would take into account the ability to influence circumstances without using personal power, and to leverage a level of force through typically non-violent means. Influence is in regards to people would can effect the world very much like those with unbridled power, just through means of personal connections, a network of people, or even status and position in an organisation. This is likely the most intuitive category of the Hazard System as it's not always something written out for people, or in character applications.

For some examples, you have Abalia Mirja Shunsui d'al Kyoraku ae Hayden. The White-Gold Queen of Vastime and the Captain Commander of the Gotei, Abalia's legislative capabilities alone are terrifying, but she has also made alliances and connections with beings of incredible power, including the Demon Queen Mana. As such, despite being barely above human physically, she can call upon favours and forces that are at the highest point of [Power].

Resources: The one category most attached to Tier, but also an assortment of variables that enhances a person's means to achieve something, through force and peace alike. Resources includes anything from wealth, to energy, technology, and any predisposed resources they can utilise that feeds into their [Influence] and [Power]. This includes any benefits they can receive from alliances with others. The prime difference between [Resources] and [Influence] when it comes to other people and external aid is under whose command that power lies. For example, the Sueki Claire could call upon aid from her friends and allies, and that would be utilising [Influence], but if she uses her own soldiers of her Grand Sueki Army? That would be [Resources], as its a variable under her control.

We can take into example Inami Asthavon. As Queen of Chaya Nation with a centre of the Demi-Network in her lands, she has immediate access to overwhelming amounts of power to a ridiculous degree, and given that she is at a ludicrous tier, the amount of energy at her disposal by all means reaches the highest rank of [Resources] available. Conversely, Micaiah Atsumi Khshesh is mid-tiered, but with the amount of equipment she has and the level of power her equipment can output, she would also reasonably achieve a high rank regarding [Resources]. For some references to better understand what [Resources] can provide, here are some links.

The Different Hazard Levels

The over-arching Hazard System is ranked exceedingly simply, in letter-rank fashion. Additionally, each character will be assigned four different hazard levels for four different considerations: [Power], [Influence], [Resources], and [Overall]. The first three are pretty self-explanatory, and [Overall] considers each previous category to find a good assessment for their total rank. Here's the general idea of what represents each rank.

F: At Rank F, you basically have no discernible possession of the respective category. You have no influence, or you have no actual powers, or you have no resources at your disposal. Most people who have this rank in any of the categories are normal humans with no noticeable connections, no particular position, and maybe at most spiritual awareness.

E: When it comes to [Power], this rank is probably for those without any special or unique abilities but possess some spiritual power to utilize and could pose a threat to a regular person or group of people. In terms of [Influence], maybe you have an unspoken friend or relation, maybe a family member, that has some small level of authority, but that's about it. Regarding [Resources], you could probably manage to purchase a firearm, or you're actively in an organisation and receive the basic equipments and resources of the lowest level member. [Overall], you have some minimal means to do something in the world, but at most you could be mentioned in the local news at your Hazard Level.

D: As far as [Power] goes, you've at least reached the basic level of trained soldiers in the different organizations, you could probably destroy a small building with a bit of work and level a large one with the full scope of your power. Regarding [Influence], you can gather a group of friends that could disrupt a neighborhood or influence the local policymakers of your town. In terms of [Resources], at most you could be in charge of a squad within your section, or have access to specialised equipment in your division/sector. [Overall], some people know you and what you're capable of, but you're probably not going to meet a random person on the battlefield that knows your name.

C: You've become more noticeable in your different facets at this point. [Power]-wise, you could probably destroy a large building and utilize your power to damage a city-block when you go all out. In terms of [Influence], you probably have a few friends that can leverage a good amount of power in their organisations. Maybe your mentor is a captain or sector-head, or you have a very powerful but distant family member. Regarding [Resources], you could be a seated member in Gotei, be in a special operations taskforce, have access to personally made equipment, or have some level of access to powerful energy-grids and networks, like the Demi-Network, Yuudeshi-Network, or be a part of a fairly powerful hive-mind. [Overall], you can expect someone at C-Rank to be fairly a known name in your organisation, maybe other organisations have already logged you as someone to watch or be cautious of.

B: At this point your name is out there in the world. Your [Power] is on the scale of destroying a city block and causing damage to the surrounding ones as well. Your full-power attack or maximum level of destruction leaves a city wasted, or hundreds of thousands of people impacted. Your [Influence] includes being in a strong network of people; you could leverage favours from leaders of different divisions and circles and maybe be even directly acquainted with organisation leaders. The [Resources] at your disposal is probably a good amount of specialised equipment tailored to you, and perhaps you are a Vice-Captain, second in your division only to the actual leader. If you need to accomplish a mission, a good portion of your section will be under your command. [Overall], people most certainly know about you, if at least only your name and whatever feat you're most well known for. Other organisations are guaranteed to have your actions and appearances logged, and you overall pose a noticeable threat, hence B-Rank Hazard Level.

A: Anyone not blatantly ignorant knows a bit about you at this point. In terms of [Power], you can probably destroy entire city blocks and cause severe damage to the ones around them as well with your full work. Your [Influence] is to reckoned with. At your aid, several captain-level individual will come, or you're at least personal friends with a great amount of highly positioned people. If you approached the leaders of a country, they'd undoubtedly open a time-slot to receive you. You're such an asset to wherever your allegiances lie that the organisation leader might come at your request. The [Resources] you can access is probably a direct level of authority to a highly powerful network and you can use up a large amount of its energy. You're quite likely a captain-level individual yourself, or at least in charge of a sector with relative status and prestige. [Overall], your approach to a battlefield is immediately reported, and you very much are considered an incredible Hazard anywhere you go.

S: You're encroaching the cusp of becoming a legend. You'd definitely be mentioned in history books with incredible feats. Your [Power] can devastate an entire mountain at your full power and the devastation when you're holding back is still enough to be a significant problem that demands the attention of other organizations to respond with their best and brightest to deal with you. Due to your level of [Influence], leaders of nations take your approach with extreme caution, and unaffiliated countries probably outright fear the implications in your request to meet them. At your request, multiple org-level individuals will come to aid you. The [Resources] at your disposal is immense--you might even have full command of a power network yourself, or created one, and pretty much anything in an organisation, you have access to. Maybe you have a special executive role in your organisation, or are outright an organisation leader yourself. [Overall], your Hazard Level is extremely high, and your actions are strongly watched.

X: You are a living legend in your own time; your actions have shaped the framework of the world as it currently is, and anything you do continues to shape it. Your [Power] is outright godly. There is no way to quantify what exactly is the extent of the power and demands a miracle or someone in the same realm to even consider matching your power. For all intents and purposes people of this level could do so much damage that the history books will remember your power for centuries later. Your [Influence] is equally godly. The smallest of your actions commands immense fear or respect, and in your aid, even a god may come to aid you, or lend you their power. Your [Resources] are as plentiful as it can get. The energy of the realm you occupy itself can come into your hands, any equipment that exists, you can get your hands on or utilise one with similar functions, and your position is undoubtedly on the level of commanding an entire organisation or empire. Your [Overall] Hazard Level at X-Rank is to the extent that everyone across all the realms knows your name. Any action you take, people want to be aware of. Your movements move the universe.

Registration Template

If you want to submit your character for a threat assessment, follow this guide

Registration Template

Character Name: [Name Of Character]
Character App: [Link to character App]
Feats: [What type of feats have they pulled off to warrant this claim?]
Resources/Equipment: [What type of resources do they have? If any.]
Other: [Any additional info?]

[u][b]Registration Template[/b][/u]

[b]Character Name:[/b] [Name Of Character]
[b]Character App:[/b] [Link to character App]
[b]Feats:[/b] [What type of feats have they pulled off to warrant this claim?]
[b]Resources/Equipment:[/b] [What type of resources do they have? If any.]
[b]Other:[/b] [Any additional info?]

The Hazard Ranks


Desmond Hayden:
  • Overall: X-Rank
  • Power: A-Rank
  • Influence: S-Rank
  • Resources: X-Rank

Kagayaku no Murasaki:
  • Overall: X-Rank
  • Power: S-Rank
  • Influence: S-Rank
  • Resources: X-Rank




Atlas d'al Decter:
  • Overall: A-Rank
  • Power: B-Rank
  • Influence: A-Rank
  • Resources: A-Rank

Cyrus Ast Auramazda:
  • Overall:A -Rank
  • Power: S-Rank
  • Influence: A-Rank
  • Resources: A-Rank


Arianda Vael:
  • Overall: B -Rank
  • Power: A-Rank
  • Influence: B-Rank
  • Resources: D-Rank

Claudia Duvalier
  • Overall: B-Rank
  • Power: E-Rank
  • Influence: B-Rank
  • Resources: A-Rank

Joshua Palliser:
    Overall: B
  • Power: B
  • Influence: B
  • Resources: C

Koizumi Shishiyuki:
  • Overall: B
  • Power: B
  • Influence: B
  • Resources: C

Ninsianna Kishar:
  • Overall: B-rank
  • Power: A-Rank
  • Influence: C-Rank
  • Resources: A-Rank

  • Overall: B-Rank
  • Power: A-Rank
  • Influence: C-Rank
  • Resources: C-Rank

  • Overall: B-Rank
  • Power: B-Rank
  • Influence: C-Rank
  • Resources: C-Rank

Shuten Suika:
  • Overall: B
  • Power: B
  • Influence: C
  • Resources: B


Creismir Engelweiss:
  • Overall: C
  • Power: C
  • Influence: C
  • Resources: C

Erchanhardt Burgstaller von Konigsberg:
  • Overall: C
  • Power: B
  • Influence: D
  • Resources: C

Lilynette Gingerbuck:
  • Overall: C
  • Power: B
  • Influence: E
  • Resources: F

Shiba Hakuyou:
  • Overall: C
  • Power: A
  • Influence: D
  • Resources: D

  • Overall: C-Rank
  • Power: A-Rank
  • Influence: D-Rank
  • Resources: D-Rank

Yugiri Shihouin:
  • Overall: C
  • Power: C
  • Influence: A
  • Resources: D


Alastair Eisfluch:
  • Overall: D
  • Power: D
  • Influence: D
  • Resources: C

Ehefra Kleinmund:
  • Overall: D
    Power: D
  • Influence: D
  • Resources: E

Furukawa Asami:
  • Overall: D
  • Power: D
  • Influence: C
  • Resources: C

Kitarune Astillon:
  • Overall: D
  • Power: B
  • Influence: F
  • Resources F

Kokoro Shihouin:
  • Overall: D
  • Power: D
  • Influence: D
  • Resources: C

Julia von Aschewald:
  • Overall: D-rank
  • Power: C-rank
  • Influence: E-rank
  • Resources: E-rank

Kyo Sawachika:
  • Overall: D-rank
  • Power: D-rank
  • Influence: D-rank
  • Resources: D-rank


Amon Breach:
  • Overall: E
  • Power: E
  • Influence: E
  • Resources: E

Elyss Kishimoto:
  • Overall:D -Rank
  • Power: E-Rank
  • Influence: D-Rank
  • Resources: E-Rank

Hono Kaen:
  • Overall: E
  • Power: E
  • Influence: E
  • Resources: E

Kaede Akimoto:
  • Overall: E
  • Power: E
  • Resources: D
  • Influence: E

Solhammond Palliser:
  • Overall: E-Rank
  • Power: F-Rank
  • Influence: E-Rank
  • Resources: E-Rank

Thara Tier:
  • Overall: E
  • Power: D
  • Influence: F
  • Resources: F

Vivyan Faye:
  • Overall: E
  • Power: E
  • Influence: D
  • Resources: E


Arcadia Enki Dissidia:
  • Overall: F
  • Power: E
  • Influence: F
  • Resources: F

Hanako Yamada:
  • Overall: F-Rank
  • Power: F-Rank
  • Influence: F-Rank
  • Resources: F-Rank

Hiroi Kiga:
  • Overall: F
  • Power: F
  • Influence: F
  • Resources: F

  • Overall: F
    Power: E
  • Influence: F
  • Resources: F

Ira Holyfield:
  • Overall: F-Rank
  • Power: E-Rank
  • Influence: F-Rank
  • Resources: F-Rank

  • Overall: F
  • Power: F
  • Influence:F
  • Resources: F

  • Overall: F
  • Power: F
  • Influence: F
  • Resources: F
  • Overall Hazard Level: F


Last edited by THEFROST on Thu Jun 04, 2020 10:49 am; edited 3 times in total

The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime] WVMWLOu

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime] Empty Re: The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime]

Sun Mar 03, 2019 8:26 am
[mod]Updated and ready for new additions. Remember that the Hazard System is mandatory, and we need everyone to post their characters for it. Some things to keep in mind:

- there is a letter ranking system (F, E, D, C, B, A, S, X)
- a separate rank for each category, and an overarching singular rank that takes it all into account
- the separate ranks are: Power, Influence, Resources
- this is the real gauge for a character's "strength", tiers only represent a character's level of energy, not even necessarily the potency of their abilities
- it is mandatory that you put in your app to be assigned a Hazard Rank
- your hazard rank is not static. at a later time you can reapply for a new hazard rank if you think your character has grown stronger in the three categories and overall.

The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime] 8Bvy1N8


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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime] Empty Re: The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime]

Sun Mar 03, 2019 8:35 am
Registration Template

Character Name: Ulv Auber
Character App:
Feats: Beat Demonica to a stand-still in Minatumi Harbor
Executed many high-profile uses of her Devil's Heart power, including the salvation of Inami, accelerated Resurrection of Algea, reverting the death of Tsubasa's sister, and melded Zero's Hollow and Quincy sides to eliminate the horrific dissonance between the two.
Obtained GM Willpower, on top of creating a willpower-based creation technique.
Made allies and contacts across multiple factions, calling high-profile people like Shunsui, Henrex, Arianda and Demonica a friend, as well as multiple Org-Leader class people such as Inami, Hayden, and Ibiki.
Has a nice body
Resources/Equipment: Capable of pulling a great number of resources due to her far-reaching influence, Ulv personally has very little to her name outside of her nearly unlimited Devil's Heart, which has been the major catalyst for several firm friendships. 0-3 energy and a Grandmaster Willpower-fueled technique allows for her to have a broad spiritual reach.
Other: Long History of being muscular.

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Sun Mar 03, 2019 8:52 am; edited 1 time in total
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
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The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime] Empty Re: The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime]

Sun Mar 03, 2019 8:49 am
Registration Template

Character Name: Yuel Duulheim
Character App: Beast of Time
- has defeated a 0-tier as a powerless 6-0
- Fighting Ravan Vespara and Mana Asthavon alongside Desmond Hayden
- Is the foremost expert on Quantum Mechanics on PH
- Grand Master Mental Deduction, I'd argue fucking anyone highest level MD on site
- Adopted daughter of Azure Iramasha
- Mentee of Shadin Yuudeshi
- organised Lux Orior and is the Research and Development Sector Head
- Elder Sister to Ibiki Suika
- connected the Research divisions of Vastime, Gotei, Yayjuu, Vanguard, and Vizard Corps before the formation of the Lux Orior
- Sector Head of Lux Orior
- high authorisation in the Yuudeshi Network
- 0-3 tier energy

Registration Template

Character Name: Micaiah Atsumi Khshesh
Character App: North God
- Known around Vicara Plane in her adventures and journey
- Self-proclaimed family member of Ravan Vespara as Shurpa Vespara
Resources/Equipment: All in the app:
- Akshaya Patra
- Heaven's Gate
- Beni-asi-hashi
- Agneyastra's Edge
- Maujuda Kavacha
- Karna Kavacha
- Vel
- Kharga
- Khanda
- 3-1 tier Energy
Other: New character, fucking rip [Influence] rank

Registration Template

Character Name: Kuanastha
Character App: Kuana Asthavon
- an original Asthavon Sister
- entered and survived the Za Koa Realm with Death and Deveta for 400 years
- Sent several moon-fragments towards Earth and attacked Lithuania, North and South Korea, Brazil, and more
- contested Silvia Asthavon over The Vicara Plane and won
- Served as a proxy for Mana and Inami in Chaya Nation and the Demon Capital
- became known in Demon World as "The Roaming Death God" for her use of Death Energy
- fought (and lost to) Inami Asthavon and became a Demonio Visera in the process
- uncovered Kamui Cruor's involvement in the death of Azure Iramasha
- participated in the Zombie Outbreak of 2414
- Fought Rachel Dare in London
- Fighting Shunsui Kyoraku and Carter, 1v2
- Access to Shadow Fall equipment without restriction
- Banshee and Infanta of Shadow Fall
- Access to the unlimited energy of The Nether
- 1-5 tier energy

Registration Template

Character Name: Mischa Judavialdi
Character App: The Virtuoso
- Fighting Suzu Hebi in Hueco Mundo
- Leader in Nagato's Army/Espada, aiming for Primera Espada
- Access to Los Viejos resources
- 1-2 tier energy

Registration Template

Character Name: Micah Henry Grimm
Character App: True Death God
- destroyed Paris
- fighting Shadow Fall Prometheus
- aided in Operation War Dogs on destroying Shadow Fall infrastructure
- 3rd Seat of Stealth Force
- Functionally the Vice Captain of 5th Division
- access to Gotei resources and presumably all available Stealth Force Resources
- Often requests and obtains tech from the Research Division for missions
- 1-4 tier energy

Last edited by Sage on Sun Mar 03, 2019 9:09 am; edited 1 time in total

The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime] 8Bvy1N8


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The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime] Empty Re: The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime]

Sun Mar 03, 2019 8:58 am
Registration Template

Character Name: Chifuyu Yuudeshi
Character App: Chifuyu's App.
- Shadin's daughter and Yuudeshi.
- Mentored by Azure Iramasha for three years before he died was in-line to succeed him as Vanguard Leader.
- Defeated Verathius Mischevang with Shatari Yuudeshi during the Moon Massacre.
- Saved Canada's ass from a cluster of falling meteorites by making use of her and Henrex's abilities. (while also somehow getting him to overcome a fear for holding her hands)
- Helped Shadin reform Greenland and develop it during his mission there.
- Warden of the North East for multiple years.
- Defended Vastime against Monsuta Invasion, prevented it from going further inland after going even with
Adam Eve.
- Briefly held back Inami Asthavon during an Hawaii attack.
- Fought beside Magnolia's forces in America during WW4.
- Assisted Vastime in understanding the Anima Mundi.
- Current Vice-Chairman for the Research and Division sector of the Lux Orior.
- A Crystalline Hogyoku Body - capacity to utilise its power while her own cells make an excellent material for her craft.
- Tier 3-3++.
- Yuudeshi Network.
- Supplementary Energy Reserves (with Shadin's permission)
- Varying levels of influence within Lux Orior, Yuudeshi Family and Vastime and more places.
- Resources of the Yuudeshi, Lux Orior and Vastime on occasion if she required it while having connections through others such as Yuel Duulheim and her Saca Dila Ichika Yuudeshi.
- Connections in various places that someone of her status wouldn't normally have ie. Kagami Iramasha-Clixx and Adam Eve.
- Capacity to rely on herself for the most part with just raw energy and is self-sustaining if she had no back-up resources.
- Versatile and potent skill-set which can let her scale quite a fair bit if she has enough time in a fight.
- Collective AIs generated to do tasks for her, built off her previous knowledge of AIs and experiencing Valentine's collective through what he gave her as an understanding which allows for her to do various tasks at once and carry a great deal of things out simultaneously while also providing bodies at times to allow for them to do tasks for her while she is otherwise preoccupied such as in combat.
- Potent development capabilities towards others.
- A super strong and pretty cute martian boy in her pocket.
Other: That is all. I'll do my other characters sometime soonish since it's 2 AM and I can't be bothered.

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The Cookie
The Cookie
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The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime] Left_bar_bleue17560/99999The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime] Empty_bar_bleue  (17560/99999)

The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime] Empty Re: The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime]

Sun Mar 03, 2019 9:30 am
Registration Template

Character Name: Sou Yuuki
Character App:
Feats: - Fought against multiple people at once in Australia War
- Basically became the enemy of the entire world (?)
- Has challenged every single person he has met including Dansen, Mana, Nozomi, Ibuki, etc
- Made his own 2 equipment: Annihilator and IEBN
Other: He's been a fighting maniac. Idk what else to put mang

Empty, blank space.
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4607
Age : 23

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Platinum Points:
The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime] Empty Re: The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime]

Sun Mar 03, 2019 10:07 am
Registration Template

Character Name: Henrex Astillon
Character App: Henrex's App
-Creation of one of Soul Society's most powerful and notable defenses: The GRID
-Clashed against Stefan Soan twice, beating him once (Second fight undecided, thread unfinished)
-Aided Kimiyo Miyake against Sonny Ray in Operation Moon Massacre
-Aided Blackheart and Ghislain in the reconstruction and stabilization of the Moon
-Fought against a powerful demonic force in the Tournament for Greece (Nemesis [1-1++] vs Henrex [3-1(?)]
-Mentee of Cirno/Erna Iramasha
-Climbed his way from the bottom to Captain-rank in the Stealth Force [Member -> Vice Captain -> Captain]
-Aided Mirja in purging the Black World's Influence from the Rukongai's forests
-Fought against Kuro Okami (Stealth Force Captain at the time), coming to a standstill
-Clashed against Erna Iramasha (Outcome Undecided, thread unfinished)
-Training others and teaching some of them in ninjutsu
-Clashed against Tsubasa Unabara in New Orleans (Outcome undecided, thread unfinished)
-Aided several other Shinigami, two of which beings Captains, one being a Zero Division Member, and a Lieutenant against Stefan Soan's assault on Soul Society
-Obtained Grand Master Speed and Zanjutsu
-Sabotaged various Shadow Fall bases across America through impersonation of varying K-World and Shadow Fall members.
-Aided the Gotei in the assault against the Monsuta and clashed against Azuma (leader of the Monsuta at the time, victory)
-Held his own against three/four 0-tier characters while being 4-tier before being aided by Shadin Yuudeshi (technical victory)
-Defended Antarctica from Eric Zarathos and his minions
-Created a sum of equipment for both Vastime and Gotei
-Aided Chifuyu Yuudeshi in defending Canada from the falling debris of the Moon
-Aided Chifuyu and Shadin Yuudeshi in the reformation and terraforming of Greenland

-Gotei United/Onmitsukido influence, resources, and equipment (Captain)
-Vastime influence and equipment (Corporal)
-Guild of Heroes resources, influence, and equipment (Class 3 Hero)
-Connections across the world (examples: Hayden, Cirno, Arianda, Ci Lan Tsu)
-0-3 tier energy (0-2 energy in release)
-Multiple energy types: Za Koa/Demon Energy, Reiatsu, and Emotional Energy
-Varying equipment obtained from multiple sources, including that which was made himself (can be found in-app)
-Connections to the age-old Iga ninja

Other: Probably missed a few things, but here's what I got, chief.
The Game
Joined : 2012-12-11
Posts : 535
Age : 30
Location : The afterlife

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Sun Mar 03, 2019 10:49 am
Registration Template

Character Name: Carter Zenaki
Character App:
Feats: held captain rank in gotei as the internal police captain in the past
Was successful in his part of defending iceland
Has battled against Stefan and survived
Survived a personal attack against Mana
Trained with Cirno to unlock his release state
Became one of the seven angels of truth
Gained holy energy and became the Angel of Radiance
Currently the captain of Goteis Research department
20 tier 1-1+ blind harvesters with Cybermind brains
20 unused S.D.B.A fighter jets
2 eclipse systems (Laser cannons with the potential to level entire cities)
All resources readily available to a gotei captain
Tier currently 0-4
Holy energy makes him especially dangerous to demonic opponents

|Death is but the first step in life|

The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime] ZfrGue8

The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime] EUuCTxy
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Morph OTY
Joined : 2015-06-08
Posts : 1802

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The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime] Left_bar_bleue174500/99999The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime] Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime] Empty Re: The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime]

Sun Mar 03, 2019 11:17 am
Registration Template

Character Name: Desmond Hayden
Character App:
-Fought Wolf Lionus
-Led Karakura forest clean up
-Rose from Vanguard Member to Organizational leader
-Fought successfully in iceland war against Saiko
-Pivotal in defending the moon
-Fought Ghislain, former emperor of the vandenreich, twice and won each time.
-Fought numerous times against with Liu, 2nd level guardian of hell.
-Created the Vastimian Empire & Network
-United nearly the entirety of African continent
-One of the most influential and powerful Earth Based nation.
-The foremost military on earth.
-The only current GM in Speed & Strength; GM Willpower.
-Close Ally of Yuudeshi's.
-Lux Orior Chairman
-Fighting against Ravan/Mana.
-Former Lt. Colonel in Vizard Corps
-Connected to Death Himself.

-Lux Orior
-NUMEROUS Special Weapons obtained through the years. (Hammer of Might, Titan's Wrath, Henrex's special sword )

Other: [Any additional info?]

The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime] JfH75kA
The Hazard System [Prone To Updates At Anytime] H8Tyk70
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